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Naturopathic Medicine

Cosmetic Injections


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Your before and aftercare guide for Neuromodulator (botox)  and filler injections in Kamloops, Kelowna, and Vernon, BC. 

When you visit me for your neuromodulator and dermal filler treatment at any of my six locations in Kamloops, Kelowna, and Vernon, I want to make sure you get the best results possible. A lot of this comes down to what happens during the appointment, and that’s my responsibility: Selecting the best product for you, assessing your facial anatomy, and keeping up to date on the latest injection techniques. 

But achieving the best results from your cosmetic injections is a team effort—it involves both my expertise and your commitment to before and aftercare. While we’ll go over everything in detail during your built-in consultation and appointment, including any concerns you have about minimizing pain, being informed on what you can do ahead of time can directly impact your results. By understanding and following these essential steps, you can help minimize any risks, support your healing, and get the most out of your treatment. Please think of this as your ultimate guide for cosmetic injection before and after care—and return to it before each appointment with me!  

Neuromodulators Pre-Treatment Instructions

3-5 Days Before Your Botox Injections:

  • Avoid aspirin, alcohol, ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, Aleve), ginger, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, garlic, green tea, vitamin E, and Omega-3 fatty acids. If you’re on prescription blood thinners or aspirin, consult your physician before discontinuing them.
  • Stay hydrated, and try to reduce caffeine, spicy foods, and sugary snacks, which may increase the risk of bruising and swelling.
  • Refrain from skin treatments like chemical peels or microdermabrasion to prevent increased sensitivity.
  • Schedule your appointment at least two weeks before any major events, as bruising or swelling may occur, and full results may take up to 14 days to appear.

Neuromodulators Post-Treatment Instructions

First 24 Hours After Neuromodulator  Injections:

  • You may take Tylenol for mild discomfort or headaches if you’ve used it safely before.
  • Apply a cold compress wrapped in a cloth to the treated areas to reduce swelling, but avoid direct pressure on the skin.
  • Avoid applying makeup or touching the treated areas for at least six hours.
  • Stay upright for two hours to prevent product migration, avoiding activities like lying down, yoga, or looking down at your phone.
  • Avoid alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen, NSAIDs, and herbal supplements to reduce bruising risk.
  • Steer clear of skincare products like retinoids, glycolic acids, or acne treatments, which may irritate the skin.
  • Avoid tight facial accessories, such as masks or goggles, that might put pressure on the treated areas.

First 48 Hours After Neuromodulator Injections:

  • Refrain from strenuous activities and take a break from intense workouts or sports. Use this time to rest and recover.
  • Try to sleep on your back with your head elevated to minimize swelling and avoid placing pressure on the treated areas.
  • If approved by your provider, consider supplements like arnica or bromelain to reduce bruising and swelling.

Two Weeks After Neuromodulator Injections:

  • If you had injections in the upper lip area, you might notice temporary changes with activities like drinking through a straw or whistling.
  • Avoid any facial treatments like microneedling to allow for complete healing.
  • Schedule your follow-up appointment to review results, or share photos to track progress and discuss any concerns you may have. 

Dermal Fillers Pre-Treatment Instructions

3-5 Days Before Dermal Filler Injections:

  • Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, Aleve), alcohol, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, garlic, green tea, vitamin E, and Omega-3 fatty acids to minimize bruising risk. Consult your doctor if you’re on prescription blood thinners.
  • Stay well-hydrated and try to reduce caffeine, spicy foods, and sugary snacks, which can contribute to bruising and swelling.
  • Discontinue exfoliating treatments, like chemical peels or microdermabrasion, to prevent increased skin sensitivity.
  • Plan your treatment at least two weeks ahead of significant events to account for possible swelling or bruising, with full results potentially taking up to two weeks.

Dermal Fillers Post-Treatment Instructions

First 24 Hours After Dermal Filler Injections:

  • Mild discomfort or swelling is common. Apply a cold compress (wrapped in cloth) to reduce swelling, but avoid pressing directly on the treated areas.
  • Refrain from touching, rubbing, or applying makeup to the injection sites for at least six hours.
  • Stay upright for at least two hours, avoiding activities that involve bending forward, to reduce swelling risk.
  • Avoid alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen, other NSAIDs, and herbal supplements to reduce the chance of bruising.
  • Avoid hot environments like saunas, steam rooms, and hot showers, as these can increase swelling.
  • Refrain from strenuous activities and facial massages, allowing the filler to settle.

First 48 Hours After Dermal Filler Injections:

  • Continue to avoid intense physical activities and exposure to extreme temperatures to prevent swelling and filler migration.
  • Sleep on your back with your head elevated to avoid pressure on the treated areas.
  • Consider arnica or bromelain supplements, if approved by your provider, to help reduce any bruising or swelling.

Two Weeks After Dermal Filler Injections:

  • Avoid dental procedures for at least two weeks, as they can affect filler placement, particularly in the lower face area.
  • Refrain from facial treatments, such as microneedling or laser therapy, during this period to allow complete healing and prevent unintended migration of the filler.
  • Schedule your follow-up appointment to review results, or share photos to track progress and discuss any concerns you may have. 

Botox and Dermal Filler Aftercare Instructions

To achieve your best possible results from your neuromodulator and dermal filler injections, it’s crucial you take the time to understand and follow these before and aftercare instructions. Your commitment to these guidelines will ensure an efficient healing process; reduce your risk of filler migration, bruising and other side effects; and can even increase the longevity of your results. 

I currently am accepting new cosmetic injection patients at all six of my locations across Kamloops, Kelowna, and Vernon, BC. Every treatment with me includes a built-in consultation to ensure you’re 100 percent comfortable with the treatment plan we discuss. In person, I’ll review your aftercare instructions with you, but keeping this blog handy is always a good reminder. To book your consultation at the location most convenient for you, click here.